Domestic wastewater treatment plants

Equipment for treatment of municipal wastewater
The degree of purification depends on the emission restrictions stipulated in the discharge license and are based on the category of the surface basin, where the water will be discharged. For WWTP up to 10000 PE it is not obligatory the Phosphorus and the Nitrogen to be treated, however, the competent authority (in this case the Basin Directorate) can apply more strict restrictions.
For the treatment of municipal wastewater from relatively small number of PE module type WWTP can be used. The unification of the pollution parameters for 1 PE makes possible the production of modules with different capacity. This type of equipment were imposed in practice due to:
- Easy installation – practically the installation is reduced to the correct connection of the inlet, outlet and power supply.
- The unification of the modules reduces significantly the price of the equipment for 1 PE
- Easy maintenance
- Optimal dimensions
- Minimum construction works
For the treatment of municipal wastewater from settlements with above 2000 PE the equipment which can be used is of a great variety and, generally, is produced upon specific order form the customer.
AQUARIUS ND Ltd. offers significant variety of wastewater treatment equipment for treatment of municipal wastewater. We and our partners will choose the best and most cost effective solution for you.